SMARTTECH3D has been recognized and respected abroad for many years as a company that offers innovative and reliable technology. The number of our satisfied customers all over the world is constantly increasing, which makes us very proud. At the beginning of 2021, 3 Egyptian Universities joined our education program, purchasing 3 scanners, which will be used to teach and promote new technologies among students, as well as supply universities laboratories with new digitalization and data processing possibilities. 4th scanner was delivered to our distributor, Smart Systems Company.
SMARTTECH3D scanners at the other continents
Thanks to our distributor`s agency in Egypt, we had a possibility to offer the newest technologies to Engineering Departments of 3 universities: El-Alameen University (AIU), King Salman University (KSU), and Galala University (GU). SMARTTECH3D UNIVERSE 2 Mpix is based on scanning with white LED light, with the 300 x 200 210 mm field of view, 2 Mpix resolution, and measurements precision of 0,188 mm (what makes the density of 28 measured points per 1 mm2. Using the white light technology allows for more accurate measurement of color. To make our scanner more user friendly, we added automated rotary stage which allows the touchless scan of the object, as well as the laptop with our SMARTTECH3D measure. Moreover, there is a possibility to generate a personalized report with the scan results. Universities bought scanners for educational purposes, therefore they got 20 educational licenses of the SMARTTECH3Dmeasure ver.20 software. We hope that it will help to increase the number of students who attend the 3D scan lessons. We wanted to make sure that the users of our scanner know the full range of its potential, so we offered 8h long free online course with our specialists.
The second 3D scanner model, SMARTTECH3D UNIVERSE 5 Mpix, was sent to our distributor, Smart SYstems Company. It differs in resolution from the one described above, as it offers 5 Mpix picture. The measuring precision of 0,117 mm gives 73 measured points per 1 mm2. The distributor also gets an automated rotary stage and laptop with our SMARTTECH3Dmeasure software installed.

3D education with SMARTTECH3D scanners.
The new technology using white LED light in the scanning process is the future of digitization. It allows for creation of precise models compatible with the original in smallest details. Such data is useful for archiving, reverse engineering, conservation, quality control and many others. Education about 3D technology is incredibly important. We are proud that our systems are used for increasing the knowledge about 3D digitalization among Egyptian students.
We can’t wait for the results of the 3D projects of those universities.
Learn more about the SMARTTECH3D EDU program.
Learn more about the SMARTTECH3D UNIVERSE scanner.