NEW!!! Get to know the MICRON3D color 18MPix better
” 3D scanning with color – premier of MICRON3D color 18 Mpix”
MICRON3D color 18 Mpix combines the scanning speed available in scanners with lower resolutions with the detail and precision of reproducing the details of the model with a 24 Mpix detector.
MICRON3D color 18Mpix is:
- possibility of changing the measuring field thanks to interchangeable optics
- fast measurement with high resolution
- excellent quality of detail reproduction
Check how the MICRON3D color 18 Mpix can help you in your daily work.
A mobile working station delivered with the scanner is equipped with special SMARTTECH3Dmeasure software. The function of measurement on a rotary table or with markers guarantees the full automation of measurement process regardless of the object`s size. The automatic data processing module guarantees the high quality image.
MICRON3D color is currently the only scanner on the market with such a great scanning quality and the option to capture color information.
GUARANTEE OF NON-INVASIVE MEASUREMENT. A technology applied in 3D scanners uses only structured light. It guarantees safety of scanned objects, as the system does not use any laser.
COMFORT AND EASY OPERATION. MICRON3D color is a mobile 3D scanner. For the operator`s comfort, each scanner is delivered and installed in the final place of destination together with dedicated PC workstation and data processing application. 3D scanners built by SMARTTECH are already calibrated – no additional action is required from the user.

Over 20 years long experience in production of 3D scanners and cooperation with museums helped us to implement additional improvements in the equipment specialized to carry out national heritage objects measurements. We offer CNC – controlled rotary tables for measurement automation, and fully compatible, professional shadeless lighting system that is triggered by the scanner and allows for a uniform mapping of the whole object`s texture and color. The integrated shadeless lighting system in MICRON3D color scanner is a unique solution on the market. We provide professional repair service, technical assistance and complete trainings on scanning and data processing.
Digitization and virtual research

Examples of digitalization