SMARTECH3Dmeasure v.2019 is now available!
SMARTTECH3Dmeasure v. 2019 is the latest version of the S3DM software dedicated to SMARTTECH 3D scanners. The program allows to perform a 3D scanning with a rotary stage, positioning markers and curvature alignment. SMARTTECH3Dmeasure is the only software available on the market that allows smooth operation on cloud of points with 300 million of points while maintaining the color of the multi-colored surface of the object. 3D scanning of dark or shiny objects is also not a problem.
The function of curvature measurement of individual scans added in v. 2019 version enables measurement without the use of positioning markers and a rotary stage. Individual scans automatically join each other thanks to the geometry alignment of the object. This function is particularly useful when dealing with a large-size object that prevents the use of a rotary stage. 3D scanning the object from all sides allow the operator to get a complex and ready to work cloud of points.
In addition, the functionalities of global registration and curvature alignment enable to automatically connect single measurements acquired in a different way – for example by using a rotary stage. There is no need to use the “three points method” every time as now SMARTTECH3Dmeasure v. 2019 can align single scans for you. New software capabilities not only speed up the 3D scanning process but also make the whole operation more accessible than even before.
The changes introduced in the 2019 version have further simplified the work with the SMARTTECH3Dmeasure software. Cleaning of the cloud of points has been automated and speed up thanks to the use of new algorithms that use 100% of the computing power of the workstation. Creating of a triangle mesh is now a matter of just one click. Rapid hole filling and smoothing the triangle mesh surface makes the work with SMARTTECH3Dmeasure easier than ever before.
SMARTTECH has expanded the SMARTTECH3Dmeasure software capabilities by implementing control and analysis modules. These modules allow you to measure the distance between points, calculate the surface area, compare the flatness patterns and make cross-sections. This means that the SMARTTECH3Dmeasure user receives not only 3D scanner control software but also a program which allows to perform a basic geometric analysis.
Measurement module
Curvature measurement
Measurement of dark or shiny objects
Number of necessary markers to perform markers measurement was reduced from 5 to 3
New cloud of points smoothing algorithm
Cloud of points editing module
Curvature alignment
Global registration
Automatic cloud of points cleaning
New shading mode
Triangle mesh module
Process of creating a triangle mesh is now automatic
Process of filling holes in a triangle mesh is now automatic
Triangle mesh smoothing is now automatic
It’s now possible to convert a triangle mesh into cloud of points
Analysis and control module
Flatness patterns comparison
You can now measure the distance between points
Surface area measurement
USB dongle allows you to install SMARTTECH3Dmeasure on many devices. The function gives the user the possibility of having software on many devices and activating the software when connecting the USB key every time we need to use it without the need to transfer the license.
SMARTTECH 3D scanners in industry – “LUBIANA” porcelain factory
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