MICRON3D is the next generation of
non-contact 3D scanners refined to
the smallest detail by a team of engineers.
Micron3D scanner is an effect of a two-year work that began
with conversations with users of existing models manufactured
by SMARTTECH which helped to create a new generation product
that responds to the demand of customers.
The new line of
MICRON3D GREEN scanners uses green LED light to measure,
with a wavelength of approx. 500 nm, enabling a significant
increase in measurement accuracy, even 30% in comparison
to the traditional white light measurement method. At the same
time, using an LED light source reduces energy consumption
and increases the lifespan of the entire system.
Accuracy and durability of the MICRON3D GREEN scanners have been confirmed by field tests and advanced measurement tests carried out
by SMARTTECH experts and independent units. The scanner has been designed to provide the user with reliable operation at full mobility.
The housing and support structure of the scanner are made of modern and durable carbon fiber resistant to fluctuating ambient temperatures,
special solutions used inside the scanner suppress vibrations and the interior is protected by an easy to clean, replaceable dustproof filter.
All this makes the MICRON3D GREEN scanner reliable and can be successfully used both in a specially adapted room and outside it.

MICRON3D GREEN is a professional and factory
calibrated metrology tool, certified by the manufacturer
according to the German VDI / VDE 2634 standard,
and its measurement accuracy can be additionally
confirmed by the certificate of an independent
accredited metrology laboratory.
The MICRON3D GREEN scanner is equipped
in the standard version with dedicated
SMARTTECH3Dmeasure software, a stable tripod
with a gimbal mounting head, positioning lasers
and a transport case.
All these features and product innovativeness have been appreciated, among others, during the Kielce Trade Fair CONTROL-TECH, where the new
3D scanner of the Polish manufacturer was honored with the Gold Medal of the Fair for the best product presented. Its innovativeness has also been
confirmed by the Supreme Technical Organization, which awarded the product with "Laury Innowacyjności 2014"